Slappy Trucks Product Review

In 2020, longtime skate industry veteran, Mike Sinclair (Nike SB, Foundation, Toy Machine, and more) found himself sitting at home during lockdown with time on his hands. With more time at home, Sinclair began to think about starting a new skate company. Instead of creating a board brand, Sinclair decided to start tinkering with his skate trucks, seeing how he could make improvements. And just like that, Slappy trucks was born.
Slappy has come out the gates strong and is continuing to gain popularity, with more and more skaters trying out their trucks. We recently decided to put some Slappy trucks to the test and gave a pair of Slappy ST1 Classic Trucks to our go-to local skater, Travis to try out. Below you can read Travis’ review of skating Slappy trucks.

Hey, what's up guys? This is Travis with Skate Warehouse and we're going to talk about Slappy Trucks. Slappy was made by Mike Sinclair. He came up with all the components on it. I know he is really picky with his trucks, so I know he put a lot of thought into these. They're pretty sick though.
I think the first thing that I noticed while I was riding these is the cutouts. They're kind of right under the truck. The cutouts and the clearance were the first two things I really liked. I was doing a lot of slappy feebles and I didn't have any hangup or anything like that, so that was really nice because a lot of brands definitely hang up right there (on the kingpin).
Slappy trucks come with a normal amount of washers, but with mine, I take the bottom ones off just because I don't ride super loose trucks, but I want them to be able to turn really well at the same time. But I think they do come with medium bushings. They feel really good. I didn't really have to change them or anything.
I do a lot of slappies so the name's kind of perfect for them. They grind really well, maybe a little further than most trucks. The grind sound is good. I probably wouldn't change anything about them honestly. I like all the features on them; the cutout, the good clearance, the weight to it, and even the look. They're pretty sick trucks. I'm into them.

Key Takeaways
- Slappy was started by longtime skate industry veteran, Mike Sinclair (Nike SB, Foundation, Toy Machine)
- A subtle cutout design reduces weight, making it a lighter truck
- The clearance space near the kingpin reduces hangups on feeble grinds and other tricks
- Good turning response
- Grinds a little further than other truck brands
So there you go! Travis gave Slappy trucks the thumbs up. Still have more questions? You can watch Travis’ video review below and make sure to pick up a pair of Slappy trucks at Skate Warehouse.