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Steve Alba

Steve Alba, aka 'Salba' is a 40 plus year pro skateboarder, punk rocker, and all around legend. Salba is from the 70's generation of skaters that are still doing it today. There may not be a person alive who's skated as many backyard pools as Salba, who can still be found skating them to this day. When it comes to finding and skating backyard pools, Salba is widely accepted as skateboarding's expert. He actually won the first pool contest in 1978. Salba's also known as an accomplished guitar player, having played in punk and rock bands for many years. Salba is still riding for Santa Cruz Skateboards, which was the same sponsor he and his brother Mickie Alba had in the '80s. Salba's son Jesse Alba is also a pro skateboarder for Frog Skateboards.

Birthday: May 29, 1963
Hometown: Montclair, CA
Turned Pro: Late 70's
Highlights: Backyard pool expert, Skateboarding Hall of Fame inductee, multiple contest wins
Sponsors: Independent, Spitfire, Vans, Santa Cruz

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